Thursday, February 7, 2008

Maka the Greenbean Monster

This video was taken at dinner. Maka really loves greenbeans as evidenced by his mad rush to eat them as fast as he can...which is probably faster than Kaelene can eat. =) Well enjoy the movie of our quaint family dinner.


Rachelle said...

Seriously - if my kids did that with any vegetable... I'd be so happy. What a cute video.

Jacqueline Auna and family said...

haha! Me too! That's a priceless video! : )

Adam Harrison said...

I can see him as a dancing machine!

J D C and N said...

Man he is stuffing those down! That is great. I have yet to get Noah to enjoy eating solids at all (he's only six months so no big deal) but he can't stand me trying to spoon feed him. He will purse his lips shut so I can't get anything in there! At least nursing is working out well still. :) What can ya do?!

Tiana said...

That is hilarious! I was showing it to Ches and he thought it was so funny. Then I told him it was green beans and he looked at me and said "I don't like green beans". He hasn't since birth pretty much. But he does almost the same thing with peas. I just can't believe Maka can fit that many in his mouth! So cute.